Next Steps

 The Innovation School represents a unique opportunity to meet the growing demand for alternative education options and provide high school students with a hands-on and experiential learning experience and access to global leaders. With our innovative approach, experienced team, and strong financial projections, we are confident that the Innovation School will be successful in providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed as leaders of the future.  

Upon due diligence of the financial projections, we ask the potential investors to sign a Letter of Intent with the investment size contribution they will be participating in. We will also ask investors to outlay 10% of their investment to work on the next steps that will be deducted from their total investment contribution.

Example: Investor 1 signs a letter of intent for $500,000, which accounts for 11% of the total investment size. Investor 1 will need to contribute 10% of the investment ($50,000) immediately to show good faith.